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Robotic pancreaticojejunostomy and hepaticojejunostomy during whipple procedure

Robotic pancreaticojejunostomy and hepaticojejunostomy during whipple procedure

A. Parisi

Pancreaticoduodenectomy is one of the most technically demanding abdominal surgeries. This video shows the use of the robotic system to perform the reconstructive phase of the whipple procedure. The “Da Vinci” robotic system allows for a wide three-dimensional field of vision, a steady traction, the suppression of physiological tremor and has flexible tools and an internal articulated EndoWrist that allows seven degrees of freedom. The surgeon feels his dexterity increased, the ability to perform a precise and advanced sutures, thus overcoming the limit of the lack of tactile feed-back and replacing it with the visual feedback. In this way, it is possible to rebuild the gastrointestinal tract with biliary, pancreatic and gastric anastomosis hand-sewn with 3-4/0 PDS.

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