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Robotic surgery in the treatment of liver cysts

Robotic surgery in the treatment of liver cysts

A. Parisi

Liver cysts occur in approximately 5% of the western population. cysts are thin-walled structures that can contain fluid. Only a small percentage of patients will develop ymptoms including upper abdominal pain, discomfort, mass, early satiety. Liver cyst may also be an incidental finding on ultrasound or computed tomography. Symptomatic patients should be treated removing a large portion of the cyst wall. The procedure can be done easier through minimally invasive surgery and if some technical principles are adhered to, the success rate is high. The Da Vinci Surgical System instrumentation allows for the use of a large and three-dimensional viewing field, a steady traction, tremor suppression and flexibility of the instruments, which result in greater dexterity and precision of the movements of dissection.

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