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Robotic Distal Splenopancreasectomy in a case of Insulinoma

Robotic Distal Splenopancreasectomy in a case of Insulinoma

A. Parisi

A 42 years old male patient was admitted at our department after a car crash. Case history highlighted that the patient had episodes of amnesia, fatigue, paresthesias and blurred vision from several months. Initial glucose level was 48 mg/dl, plasma insulin level was 16 ?IU/ml, C-peptide level was 2.7 ng/ml. Prolonged supervised fast test was applied and at the sixteenth hour of the test hypoglycemic symptoms were occurred. Simultaneously taken blood samples showed the glucose 29 mg/dl, plasma insulin 33.6 ?IU/ml, insulin/glucose ratio was 1.16. CT and MRI showed a lesion of the distal pancreas. He was scheduled for surgical operation.

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