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Chicago 2009 Video – Single Center Robotic Experience at Albert Einstein Sao Paulo, Brazil

Chicago 2009 Video – Single Center Robotic Experience at Albert Einstein Sao Paulo, Brazil

V. Schraibman, Macedo ALV, J.C. Teixeira

This presentations refers to Albert Einstein General Surgery Program showing our initial experience with more than 50 robotic cases.

In the last few years, robotics has been absorbed in the surgical practice by different specialties, as gynecology, gastric surgery and urology. It seems to be an option and a tool to the development of the laparoscopy, collaborating for good outcomes. Nevertheless, in order to be widely accepted by the mean surgeon, a new technology has to be proof not too complicated to deal with, starting in the set up and continuing throughout the whole procedure, in a manner of not to expose the patient to higher risks or discomfort comparatively to other alternatives. In this way Albert Einstein Hospital acquired a Da Vinci surgical system. The objective of this study is to present our initial experience of 208 robotic surgeries.

Materials & Methods
Since September 2008, 208 robotic surgeries were performed at Albert Einstein Hospital, Sao Paulo Brazil. Among them: gastric bypasses, duodenopancreatectomies, colectomies radical prostatectomies, nephrectomies and hiatal hernia corrections.

There were no conversions and mortality was null. Morbidity rate was low.

Our initial experience with 208 patients is encouraging. Da Vinci surgical system is safe. Surgical results and patient satisfaction level are high. Future studies should consider cost analysis and quality of life.

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