Left posterior segment of upper lobe
May 22, 2015
Giulia Veronesi (Milano – Italy) M. Casiraghi
This video shows the procedure of a robotic anatomical segmentectomy for a small nodule of the upper lobe centrally located in the posterior segment with no preoperative diagnosis. The nodule was pet negative but slow growing.
The operation had both a diagnostic and therapeutic objective and started with isolation of the artery in the fissure. Two segmental arteries were isolated ad transected between hemolock clips. Peribronchial lymph nodes were removed and the bronchus for the segment was isolated ad transected using the endostapler introduced through the anterior utility incision. The oparenchima was resected using multiple cartridge of endostapler, the specimen was removed with an endobag and the nodule found at the macroscopic analysis with final diagnosis of a small adenocarcinoma.