CRSAwebinarHepato-biliary and pancreatic
Crsa Webinar Limits of Robotic Liver Resections
John Martinie (Charlotte – USA)
CRSAwebinarHepato-biliary and pancreatic
Crsa Webinar CUSA or Harmonic Do We have the Right Tool ?
Chung-Ngai Tang (Hong Kong – Cina)
Crsa Webinar Combined Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy and Kidney Transplantation
Enrico Benedetti (Chicago -Usa)
Crsa Webinar Robotic Pancreas and Kidney Pancreas Transplantation
Mario Spaggiari (Chicago -Usa)
Crsa Webinar Robotic Kidney Transplant in recipient with high BMI
Pierpaolo Di Cocco (Chicago -Usa)
Crsa Webinar Robotic Donor Nephrectomy for Kidney Transplantation
Mario Spaggiari (Chicago -Usa)
CRSAwebinarInnovationVideo Gallery
Crsa Webinar how we can data to measure impact and value
Anthony Jarc (Atlanta – Usa)
CRSAwebinarInnovationVideo Gallery
Crsa Webinar Inno ve technology may change the Game ?
Rick Stevens (Naperville – Usa)