Live SurgeryUpper GIVideo Gallery
Robotic Hepatic Resection of the III Segment
P.C. Giulianotti
SUMMARY: The procedure starts with an intraoperative ultrasonographic study of the liver which confirms the presence of a lesion of 5 cm in diameter in the third segment of the liver. The study reveals also the presence of two lesions: about 1 and 1
ColorectalLive SurgeryVideo Gallery
Anterior Rectal Resection
G.S. Choi
SUMMARY: The pneumoperitoneum is induced with the Verres needle and the abdominal exploration does not show carcinomatosis and liver metastases.
The patient is placed in a modified lithotomy position and then tilted in a steep Trendelenburg position.
A medial-to-lateral mobilization of the left colon represents the first part of the operation followed by high ligation with Hem-o-lock and section of the inferior mesenteric vessels.
Live SurgeryUpper GIVideo Gallery
Robotic Subtotal Gastrectomy
A. Coratti
SUMMARY: The procedure starts with minimally invasive technique.
The abdominal cavity exploration doesn't reveal ascites
EndocrineLive SurgeryVideo Gallery
Robot-Assisted Thyroidectomy
P.C. Giulianotti
SUMMARY: Access for the camera and instruments to reach the thyroid and central neck is acquired by an incision in the anterior axillary fold. Elevation of skin
Free VideosLive SurgeryUpper GIVideo Gallery
Robot-assisted Whipple procedure
P.C. Giulianotti
Summary:The pneumoperitoneum is induced with the Verres needle.
The abdominal exploration does not show carcinomatosis and liver metastases.
The inferior vena cava is exposed mobilizing the right colon and the duodenum. A lymph node sampling is taken at this level for frozen section (negative).
The gastro-colic ligament is entered and the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) is prepared to rule out neoplastic encasement. Cholecystectomy is carried out with the standard technique. The hepatic hilum is dissected. The main biliary duct is cut upstream of the cystic duct and the gastro-duodenal artery is ligated and cut.