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General Information

Cellular Phones

Cellular phones must be switched off during all sessions.

Certificate of Attendance

A Certificate of Attendance for the Annual CRSA Congress can be claimed at the registration desk on the last day of the meeting.

Congress Bags

Each delegate will receive a congress bag which includes an abstract/program and conference guide.


International delegates are advised to take out travel insurance to cover medical expenses, accidents, loss, etc. Organizers will not be liable for injuries, damage, or loss of participants’ properties


All presentations during the meeting will be conducted in English.
There will be no translation

Press Info

For more information, please contact:

Paola Quezada
Clinical Robotic Surgery Association
Phone: +1 (773) 968-7456
Press Passes are limited to one FREE Pass per Publication.
Please submit all requests for interviews in advance.

Membership and General Inquiries
Paola Quezada

Executive Managing Director Administration, Financial & Sponsorship
Paola Quezada

Web Support
Riccardo Terrosi

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