Dear colleagues and friends,
It is with the utmost pleasure that I invite you to join the 6th Annual CRSA Worldwide Congress in San Francisco on October 23-25, 2014.
The congress is a great opportunity for the robotic community to share the last innovative techniques; exchange our experiences; discuss new surgical innovations; and review indications and patient outcomes. Always keeping in mind that our priority is to improve medicine and achieve better results for the good of our patients.
We, as a community of dedicated surgeons, are facing hard times financially and culturally. International health systems are focusing more and more on cost reductions, blaming increased use of advanced technologies in medicine for financial difficulties.
We know that, at least for Robotic Surgery, this is not true. We know that with a good organization, robotic, multidisciplinary surgical programs can be successful: clinically and financially. By decreasing postoperative stays, improving morbidities and patient outcomes, robotics can make not only good financial sense, but most importantly provide patients with the highest quality care.
We really need to change the culture around us. Administrators and political leaders should help in taking the right direction and finding the proper resources for the good of patients… and we believe that robotic surgery is the right investment for the Present and the Future.
We need to come together as a community so that our voice will be heard in the discussion, and our dream will become stronger and stronger with the support of all of you. By sharing our knowledge we can continue to advance the field and quality of care delivery to ensure that the collective delivery of robotic surgery is of the highest quality and value.
Your presence, your participation, your voice will join our voice and together will be able to lead the change.
San Francisco is a charming destination, known for its cool autumns, colorful bay, steep rolling hills, eclectic mix of architecture, and landmarks including the Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, the former prison on Alcatraz Island, and its Chinatown district.
A beautiful backdrop to share a few moments of networking and to consolidate our mutual knowledge and friendship with colleagues from around the world.
Looking forward to welcome all of you in person,
Giuseppe Spinoglio
CRSA President

Giuseppe Spinoglio